
Here’s another one of those “too cool for words” things that I get so excited about that I tell everyone before it’s done. Tired of those yet? Good…

Here’s a screencam of what my prototype WordPress theme (Artychoke) can do. I think it pretty much speaks for itself:

Yes, it’s using AJAX. Yes, it could provide a complete set of fields there. Yes, it works in both IE and Firefox - I haven’t checked yet, but it should degrade gracefully in other browsers. Yes, it does this without adding plugins to the theme, although maybe someone should write a plugin that does this to any theme? That would be “supersweet”, as they say.

Among the other crazy things that this theme does:

  • Build your title nav bar automatically from the root-level WordPress static pages.
  • Use sIFR for slick fontified titles. (Once again, no plugin required - it just works.)
  • Planned: Autocomplete for search form.
  • Planned: A crafty new method of getting rid of those hideous "archives" links once and for all.

All that and it doesn’t look too hideous. Hey, I could never draw well, so I have to compensate somehow, right?