
Hello Abby and Riley. You are away this week on vacation with BB, and Mom and I are at home by ourselves for a whole week! You may think that we will have nothing to do while you’re not home, but you are only partially right.

We dropped you off with BB at the airport on Sunday, and you were happy and ready to go on your trip. Mom and I gave you hugs and waved as you went inside, then we drove away. I will admit that as soon as on the drive back down 95 I was sad about the prospect of not having you around. In spite of the insanity that you bring to life at home day-to-day, I still miss you and think about you when you’re away.

When we got home, we really didn’t know what to do with ourselves, since we hadn’t planned anything for the afternoon. We had lunch out and watched some TV, stopped at target for a mop and transferred some beer between containers. I know, things are super-exciting when you’re not around.

Yesterday, while you were hopefully having fun tooling around Epcot, Mom and I were at work again. I admit that I did enjoy having the whole day to work without interruption, and the quiet was definitely appreciated. When 4pm rolled around, I didn’t know what to do with myself, since I’m usually getting antsy about having you come home from school or the sitter taking off. So I made crepes for dinner with Mom. She came home a little late, having stopped at the grocery store, and then we ate. And then there was nothing to do, again.

Today will be a bit different. I’m trying to finish up some work here at home so I can head over to West Chester and visit this new coworking space. After that, there’s a new WordPress meetup at a pub down the street. It’ll be good to chat with web people in public for a bit, make some new web friends, and get out of the house.

Mom’s been talking about “plans” for the week. She had said something before about painting our bedroom while you were away. Apart from having the time necessary to do it (as a result of not having to monitor your activities), I don’t know why we couldn’t just do this any time. But she’s got some other ideas, too, and I don’t know if she’s settled on anything in particular, thus leading to a delay in doing anything so far. Maybe while I’m away tonight Mom will start some crazy project and I’ll come home to paint cans, ladders, and sheets of plastic draped everywhere.

It’s nice not having a bunch of screaming neighbor kids running around the house, distracting me from work. But at the same time, I miss it. Next year will be interesting, if Abby can prove herself able to be sitter-worthy, since you’ll be home virtually “alone”.

Later this week we’re going to try to have an adult evening out with some friends. We might make a reservation at a restaurant, and might not worry about whether they’ll have food you’ll eat or how late we get home or anything like that. Speaking with adults that both Mom and I know about things that interest adults might actually restore some of the IQ points that have gone missing over the past few years.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great having you around. I keep teasing about selling you to the gypsies, but I would miss you if you weren’t here. In spite of being busy a lot, I like playing and having conversations with you both. I’d like to do it more when you get home.

Well, I hope you’re having fun on your vacation. We’re getting through ours alright. Tell BB we said “hi”.
