
I haven’t spilled anything on my computer since high school on the night before our school team took it to the programming competition. So I’m not sure what’s making the strange dripping sound that’s coming from the vicinity of my monitor.

Sadly, we only took fourth place – probably because I spent a good portion of the night sopping Coke off of my motherboard with paper towels. This particular trip always reminds me of the Ramones, who our driver was very into at the time. We listened to an overly-dubbed tape of them in both directions on the long trip.

Yes, I was voted by my graduationg class “Most likely to die while sitting at a computer.” No lie. There is a clip in my video yearbook of me, typing in the lab and then suddenly keeling over in my chair. There were several takes. I actually caused the chair to fall over in each of them. It was painful. I almost died.