
I have purchased things at several places lately that have attached little “Win $10,000! Complete our survey!” notices to the bottoms of their receipts. What’s the deal with everyone wanting to know how lousy their service is? Are they actually going to do anythig about it?

I have received these receipt-borne customer surveys from Rite-Aid, TGIFriday’s, Home Depot, Donatos, CVS, and Staples, just to name a few. Some of them I bothered to fill out. Others I just throw away. Am I really throwing potential winnings down the drain? Have you heard of anyone actually winning one of these things?

And is the information you provide to these companies useful? There’s only one way to find out – take a survey about this site!

How are we doing?

Thanks for taking the time to stop by this web site! Fill out this form to receive the gratitude of the site author:

On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being “poor”, 5 being “excellent”, please rate the following items in regard to this web site:

  1. The quality of the content.
  2. The positioning of the content on the page.
  3. The aesthetic feel of the site.
  4. The use of trendy features.
  5. The page load time.
  6. The ability of the author to convey his message.

Please answer true or false for the following items in regard to your visit:

  1. I was able to find what I came here for.
  2. The site was easy to navigate.
  3. The advertisements were well-targeted.
  4. The advertisements were unobtrusive.

Please place a check next to the content that you would like to see more of on this site:

  1. Info about Abby and Riley
  2. Entertaining daily life stories
  3. An actual Almost Friday webcast.
  4. WordPress plugins and tutorials
  5. Computer and software recommendations
  6. TV and movie reviews
  7. Absurd political punditry
  8. Nude pictures of Jude Law or Rachael Leigh Cook

Please attach comments you have that might improve the site to the bottom of your survey.

Thank you for your time! Please enjoy the gratitude of your host! You’ve earned it!

At least I don’t have to cook a burger to “medium” done-ness. TGIFriday’s got a really poor rating in that category.