
My first computer experience, that I remember, was with this old IBM of my mom’s. She’d originally bought that thing for work (she was a court reporter) and it was HUGE. Of course, I remember the disks it took, actual floppies. Those large disks of which I saw a number melted from the sun or warped because a child grabbed them one time.

I remember three things about this computer: word processing, the draw feature of word processing, and my game.

I can’t even remember exactly what my game was called anymore, “Think Quick,” I think. You were a little person and you had to gather things like keys and such and eventually defeat the dragon all while you ran from these worms that would eat you if they caught you. I loved that game…

As far as I know, my mom still has that computer in her basement and the last time I messed with it, it was still running. My game disk had since been damaged and lost but the word processing still worked! But talk about sloooooooooow…

Ah, mom’s “new” computer she bought, basically giving me and my brother the old one… it had a color monitor! No way!
