
I started thinking about this earlier this morning when checking email and found a few curious things that had come over the wire. And I did more thinking about it this evening after watching Star Wars Episode III for the second time, first time in the theater - wondering whether I should be spending more time doing things like that.

Whether it’s for certain or not, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll change my mind tomorrow. Heaven knows that in my free time I haven’t been able to think of anything but this for a few months, and over the past two or three weeks it’s gotten much worse. I told Berta last night at an ultra-rare child-free dinner that I was sorry that I had nothing else to talk to her about because my life had become so consumed by it.

I haven’t had an unhealthy obsession like this since my mom felt she had to take away my D&D in 4th grade.

I’ve currently got this problem where I’m checking my email too frequently, hoping for comments, wondering why I am getting more email from my server telling me about successful cron jobs than actual comment emails. Suffering from delusions of grandeur, I guess. It’s a blogging pitfall that they need to create a program for, I think. Some kind of AA meeting for bloggers.

So don’t be surprised if you find certain things missing from the site shortly. Really, don’t panic. I will move these pieces somewhere else and tell you where to find them when it’s done. Perhaps I will even scribe a full disclosure to explain my apparently sudden change in attitude. It’s not sinister at all, but making a clean break seems more important to me right now than explaining it all to you. I think I am realizing now that my subconscious already began laying out plans for this process long ago.

Instead of committing all of my free time to it, and thinking about it 24/7, and filling my little pocket noteook with ideas exclusively for that purpose, I’ll be writing here about the kinds of things that I’ve not written about because of my obsessive problems, such as: Political aspirations of myself and others I know, near-term house moving plans, Abby’s fourth birthday party, and the giant tree that I watched fall onto my neighbors house just 8 hours ago. You know, things that are actually important.

“Writing” is the reason I’m writing here, after all.