
Before you go thinking this is a case of TMI (Too Much Information), consider that I’m not talking about me, but about a D&D spell that has been accredited to me in a net book.

Yes, there is a book on the web called the AD&D Book of Sex, and in it there is a spell called Impotence. If you look at the “Thanks” section at the bottom of the page, you’ll find someone named “Owen Winkler” is thanked for his help on the Impotence spell. The thing is, I don’t remember having anything to do with it.

Worse is, as you might be next to point out, there is an email address associated with this person with my name. Surely, I am not this person if that is not my email address. But the thing is, that is my email address from when I was in college.

There’s my claim to fame among my firends. It has nothing to do with computers, really, or even WordPress, which seems to be how more people onlin know me these days. It has nothing to do with the thousands of people that use the software I’ve written for work. Nope - it’s all about the Impotence spell. What can I do to get out from under this stigma?

All things considered, this is not the worst tease among my friends. We consistently tease Bob about the time he forgot the word “Mouth” (I kid you not) and instead stammered and spat and eventually came up with “Speaking Tube”. Funny stuff. Also, “Is that food?” is a popular saying before engorging one’s self with whatever food someone else has brought to the game. I digress.

Strangely, I was poking through some things from the basement for the garage sale, and I found a cover page from a printout at the school computer lab. These covers have the student’s user id in huge letters on it. When I found this page, I was elated because it was different than the email address printed in the D&D net book. Finally, I could rid myself of this poor renown.

Unfortunately, I was mistaken in thinking that the email address in the book was ODWST2, when it is actually ODWST, and my printout has a giant ODWST on it. So I guess I’m screwed. Or not, depending on how you look at it.

I really don’t remember writing anything like this in college. Really, I don’t.