
I get asked pretty regularly what plugins I use on this WordPress site
to achieve these “impressive” features. Sometimes it’s a custom plugin, sometimes it’s not a plugin at all. I have written many plugins for WordPress, most of which you can download from the wp-hacks page.

After the break is a list of all of the plugins in use here at Asymptomatic. This list should update dynamically when I change which plugins are active.

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I have altered some of these plugins so horrifically that I hesitate to point the finger at any of their original developers. For instance, the Breadcrumb navigation plugin - I had to beat that one into submission. There may be a newer version that works better than the one I had. Also, Scripty’s subscription plugin had caused me endless suffering on every WordPress upgrade until I permanently removed all references in it to the maybe_add_column() function.

Additionally, I use a secondary Loop to list the Linklog contents separately from the main content Loop. This code is embedded into my theme template file.

The subscription form at the top of the page links to the Bloglet service, which is a greate way to keep people abreast of your site, especially if they’re not info feed readers.