
It has been forty-four hours since the season finale of Lost ended. I’m only in the beginning stages of mourning.

For me, the fact that for every question that was answered, five more came into existence? It only added to the intrigue. Last week’s pre-finale episode was one of the best all year. I can’t wait for it to return in the fall.

Show’s that I thought flopped? Joey. I didn’t expect it to carry on in the tradition of Friends, but I also didn’t expect it to be so darned forgettable. I happened upon the season finale last week only by chance. If Mr. Tribbianni were still hanging out at Central Perk with the rest of the gang, you can bet I’d have known the date of every new episode this season. My hope for something special in this show has pretty much dissolved.

Most of my television viewing (aside from American Idol, anyway) occurs when I’m tuned into VH1 or Comedy Central. And I can’t forget my daily block of Felicity on WE. I like to claim I’m not a couch potato, but really, I’m just watching stuff no one else is!

-Daria, the Diner Bitch