
There must be intelligent life down here

Packages in the Rain

Ugh, shopping in the rain is awful.

At the bulk club store, I picked up a few much needed supplies for our holiday bash: A veggie tray with dip, a four-pack of Rutger Hauer movies, a bulk box of Chex mix, and a case of Yuengling lager. I didn’t notice that the rain had started until I had left the store without an umbrella.

Naughty or Nice?

Santa was putting the finishing touches on his official “naughty or nice” list this year when something terrible happened! The magic snowball that tells him who’s been good went on the fritz!

With Winter Warlock on vacation in the Bahamas, there was not time to get it repaired. Fortunately, there were only three children left on the list who did not have a checkmark in the good or bad column, and they were all siblings in the Smith household.

Server Issues

Sorry, gang. Some doofuses are sending spam comments into my server (and a few other things, it seems) at a rate that’s too fast for Apache to keep up. As a result, Apache just seems to hang and become unresponsive.

Unable to detect when an incoming request is a valid commenter before passing the request on to WordPress’ comment processing system, leaving this unchecked takes down the whole server within a minute or two. There’s nothing to do about it but research the incoming requests and, in the meantime, disable the comment form. Rather, the thing that processes the comments for WordPress.