
There must be intelligent life down here

Nextel Beeping Madness

Can you go anywhere these days without hearing that fripping “beedeep!” that those Nextel phones make?

Back while Berta was pregnant with Abby in 2001, we were deeply concerned that she would be out somewhere when “the time” came, and rather than deal with the tedious details of dialing numbers, we found the one-touch instant-connect feature of the phone very appealing. This is the feature that makes that distinctive “beedeep!” sound.

Planet WordPress and the Dashboard Feeds

There are a bunch of folks who don’t get it or don’t like it, so I figured I would take the time to explain Planet WordPress to the extent that I can, since it seems that I’m the one that usually causes the most problems with duplicated feed items, etc.

Planet WordPress is a site that aggregates feeds from a number of users who have contributed to the WordPress Open Source project, or who provide good sources of information on WordPress, its themes, or its plugins. Planet WordPress produces a feed that is displayed in the Dashboard of most WordPress installations.

Is This a Job?

I signed up for a Monster account a long while ago, and my email address escaped into the ether where it’s impossible to get your address removed from these mailing lists.

I recently received the following email looking looking to fill a new position. See what you think:

Can You Hear Me Now?

Ok, I’m writing this again, hopefully for the last time.

Last Thursday, a RAID controller on the server that hosts this site went bad and took out the entire server’s data. As far as I’ve been able to determine, the site data is completely unrecoverable.