
There must be intelligent life down here

Get Your Mom and Dad on Flickr

Sign up for FlickrYou’ve had a digital camera for a long time, and you’re savvy enough to experiment with your digital photos online. You’ve got a Flickr account or a Zooomr account, and you’ve been sharing your photos with distant friends and family for quite some time. Mom and Dad have no trouble using the web these days, so they can easily peruse your photos to see what you’ve been up to.

Last year, your parents got digital cameras as a gift, and they’ve really enjoyed the savings compared to film-based cameras. You can just take the camera’s memory card to Walmart (or wherever) to print out only the pictures that you want to keep.

Well that’s great, but there’s a problem. Mom and Dad, wouldn’t it be nice if you could share your photos with your friends and family just like your kids do? How do we do that, anyway? Here it is, plain and simple.

Good Management

Berta’s sister, Mary Ann, and Mary Ann’s husband, Ryan, came to visit over the weekend. On Saturday night we took them out to Buca di Beppo, a local chain restaruant that serves mainly Italian dishes, family-style.

To avoid the 35-minute wait for a table, we elected to eat outside. The outdoor tables were on the shady side of the building, and the temperature was dropping as the sun dipped below the horizon. It was still in the upper 70’s with decent humidity, but much better than it had been outside all day, and probably worth avoiding the wait.

We sat down and placed our order - a small plate of spaghetti, a baked pasta sampler, and a small plate of chicken marsala, along with some garlic bread and a small salad. We had our drinks pretty soon, and our salad and bread was delivered in short order.

We waited a while before a waiter made an appearance so that we could get more plates for the kids. Apparently, our two kids didn’t register when we said “six for outside” and were seated at a four-person table. We were also missing some silverware and napkins. When the waiter (not actually a waiter, but an expediter) brought some extra napkins, he dropped them on the table in the puddle he had left from spilling Ryan’s water, rendering them completely unusable. Oh, but it gets better.

I Want My HDTV Review Site

A HDTVI asked on Ask Metafilter where I can find a good review site for TVs. Nobody has come up with a great answer yet.

I think this is a real problem with review sites these days. I’m getting fed up with the choice of information they do or don’t provide, and the quality of the information that they offer. For example, nearly every site seems to value the consumer review. Why?

Consumers are a picky lot. I have been a technology advocate for may of my friends. They’ll ask me what hardware I like for a specific function, and I tell them. But I’ve learned to add that tag line on the end: “That’s what I would do, which is not necessarily the best for you.” Often I’ll tell them what would work for them, if I know, which I often don’t because I’m not shopping for them. Likewise, there are two problems with sites that provide only consumer-based reviews.

First, I have no idea of the technical knowledge of the reviewer. If the reviewer is a 70-year-old book author, she might really enjoy her TV, but when it comes down to actual performance, it might really stink.

Second, most consumer reviews are typically “I liked X, I didn’t like Y, you should [not] buy this.” They don’t detail the item itself so I can make my own determinations or search for answers in the review. So if I wanted to know how many HDMI inputs a particular HDTV provided, I’d usually be at a loss with consumer-only review sites. Finding specs for a class of electronics from differenct manufacturers is a pain.

So consumer-only review sites aren’t complete. What else?

Light My House on Fire

I should probably continue my last post about Disneyland, and perhaps I will do that later, but the whole house situation is on my mind currently, so I’ll spend entirely too much time writing about that now.

I’ve spend the past two weeks pestering Berta about the details of our mortgage on the new house. What will our monthly payments be? She doesn’t have any answers, mostly because the people who should have them aren’t giving them to her. Otherwise - and this seems a real possibility - I just don’t understand it.

There are time these days when I think that the lethargy setting into my mind is becoming more permanent the more reticent I become in doing anything about it. There’s antoher sentence deserving of about six posts. Returning from my digression now…

In tandem with receiving no information about the loan, I’ve been having nice dreams about many house disasters. In a recent dream, I found myself climbing out of the basement’s Bilco doors to find that the above-ground portion of the house had been swept away by some funnel of wind.

This really isn’t funny considering the recent crazy windstorms around here that have put 200,000 or more people out of power for several days. More disturbing about these storms is the actual physical destruction they’ve caused.