American Freddie Mercury Idol
Unfortunate Event indeed. Abby and I had just finished watching the end of A Series of Unfortunate Events, when I switched the TV back to satellite and saw American Idol contestents trying to sing Queen.
I sat in front of the TV dumbfounded, and I couldn’t turn away from the trainwreck. I know Queen fans who are turning over in their graves who are not even dead yet.
One of the contestents actually had the gall to say that he hadn’t even heard the song he was going to perform until a week prior. You’re a singer vying for a place as a so-called “American Idol” and you didn’t know that song? How long have you been living under a rock?
Note that I haven’t been watching this poor show all season, so I have no idea of what chaff they’ve already thrown off. But for pity’s sake, I can only imagine how bad they must have been to have only these fools remaining. The quality of the contestants is so pathetic, I wonder how anyone can stand to watch the show.