Trial Part 2
This is the last post about this trial, I promise. Instead of starting directly in with trial details, let me write a bit about jury duty itself, which should expose a few details that might be of general interest.
When I arrived on Monday morning, there was a line for the metal detectors at one of the two public entrances to the courthouse. You would think that after learning of the metal detectors - which they should know are set far too sensitively when they pick up candy foil wrappers - that people would leave their hunting knives at home. But no. Maybe they think it’s amusing when they have to check their foot-long knives with the sherrif at the detector. Whatever.
Also on the hitlist at the detector were cell phones with cameras. I guess you’re not allowed to take photos inside the courthouse. I’m not sure whether this prohibition extends to regular cameras or other devices with cameras embedded, or if it’s just with phones. In any case, you can avoid holding up the line by simply leaving the thing at home. But how irritating!
Enough with these annoyances, though. What can you expect as a juror ar Chester County Courthouse?