
There must be intelligent life down here

Statistics, Anyone?

Over the past couple months, and particularly over the last two days, it has become interesting to me what kinds of visitors I am getting to the site and where they’re coming from. There are a few stats packages, and I’ve been working out their benefits and flaws.

I was able to jump on the Google Analytics train before they closed their doors. I installed the required script in the necessary places and waited for stats to roll in. And I waited. And I waited.

Eventually they had enough data to play with (do I not even register in the Google Analytics world as anything but a blip?) and they started showing me some statistics. But. How do you use this thing? Even being a former Urchin 5.0 user, I was still somewhat confused by the interface. Suffice to say, I never really figured it out, and I started to suspect that using Analytics was affecting my AdSense adversely (though I can offer no evidence that this is anything but paranoia), so I simply removed the tags.

Isn’t there something that you can just push a button and get the stats you need? And exactly what stats do you need?

Drive-Thru... Milk?

We pack lunches for Abby at school every weekday. Sure, she doesn’t eat a whole lot, but she does love her milk. She gets disappointed when the beverage in her lunch is not milk, complaining when we have to use a juice box.

We usually pack a personal-sized container of Parmalat in her lunch. It’s great because it doesn’t require refrigeration when stored. The only problem with Parmalat is the cost.

Berta was telling me after her recent shopping trip that it would be cheaper to go through the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru in the morning and buy a small carton of refrigeration-required milk than it is to buy the Parmalat. I don’t doubt it. The Parmalat is around $2.67 for three boxes, and it seems that the Chick-Fil-A milk is around $.60 each. Being that Chick-Fil-A is on the route to Abby’s school, it woudn’t be much of a detour, either.

I was thinking about this the other day while dropping Abby off at school with her Parmalat milk box, when I noticed a weird sign in the nearby open lot. The sign read, “Swiss Farm Stores”…