
There must be intelligent life down here

Couples Match

There are a bazillion sites on the web for meeting a significant other. They range from those for people who are serious about findng a lifelong partner to those who are in a relationship looking for something illicit on the side. There are some sites that are used for their dating-site-like features that aren’t even dating sites!

Of course, if you’re already in a relationship - or you’re married, like I am - you’re probably not out looking for a new special someone. What would be nice, though, is a way to find other “compatible” couples to hang out with.

See, we have a few friends who have kids. Some of them have older kids. Some have younger kids. And there is still the issue of age, interests, and distance. It’s difficult to find a good match.

So where is the technology to help with this?

Now What Do I Do?

I’ve been slowly amassing equipment for use in producing podcasts.

Over the summer, I acquired a small mixing board and a decent dynmaic microphone to use for recording Almost Friday for the Blogathon. That worked out reasonably well. I hooked everything through the mixing board into the guitar monitor and out to an M-Audio USB audio capture box. The sound produced wasn’t bad.

For Christmas Berta got me a Fostex MR-8 8-track digital recorder. It’s a fine little piece of equipment, and very portable, since you can run in from batteries.

The kit it came in provided a bag, another dynamic microphone, and some cable, which was plenty to get started recording things on the road. I was considering doing a kind of live-recorded podcast from the next meetup in Philly, in which anyone who wanted a turn talking could say great things about themselves, or Philly, or their blogs.

But there has got to be more to this podcasting thing than people blithering on about stuff that has no interest, right?