
There must be intelligent life down here

Post-Christmas Dysphoria

One of my major psychological problems these days is that I never feel like I have enough time to do anything. And my own particular coping method for this problem is - as odd as this may sound - doing nothing. So this week off of work after Christmas leaves me doing a whole lot of nothing, even while feeling like I should not be wasting this time.

Still, I’m home alone with the kids today and yesterday. This is ok, but I don’t do this often enough to have figured out how to additionally be productive at it. Currently, they are playing one of Abby’s new computer games at her console, both of them sitting in the litte seat. Cute.

Two Christmas Annoyances

Well, Christmas is pretty much over for us here in the Winkler household. It was a fine day with family. But two things have really bothered me today, and I thought I would share them so that we could commiserate.

Number one - We have two kids. They are under 5 years old. Every stinking toy is affixed to the box it came in by these plastic-coated metal twist ties that are twisted into knots by sadistic evil elves. I swear to you that I have bruises on my fingertips from trying to unravel these little metal knots from the bowels of hell.

Worse yet is that when you finally get sick of twisting them with your fingers until your fingers bleed and you get some wirecutters from the tool chest, you end up cutting a few that you probably shouldn’t even though there’s no other way to get the wire out of there. And what’s wrong with that? They leave these sharp little wire thingies hanging out of toys with an age rating of “1 year+”. That’s just stupid.

I guess people were ripping the toys out of the boxes in the stores and pocketing them. Crime has become such a problem in the world that we now have to endanger my kids to prevent the theft of a $5 train car from a set of Weebles. But it’s not just the consumers causing a problem…