
There must be intelligent life down here

Oops, Sorry for the Spam

Regular web-browsing visitors might not notice, but I’ve re-rooted my blog. Instead of being at it’s now back at

What problems has this caused? Well if you were logged in before, your user information would automatically appear in the comment form. That probably isn’t working now. You’ll have to log out and then log back in and things will be fine.

Also, I seem to have spammed the Planet WordPress feed, since all of my permalinks have changed. All the old ones work, but they’re not being served in the RSS feed. This seems like a bug in some software somewhere (maybe Planet Planet, maybe WordPress), since the GUID for the post is stored in the database (not generated based on the blog location) and should be served with the feed. Currently, it looks to me like a WordPress bug.

The Seven Wonders

Val said I probably wouldn’t because I was away, but I wasn’t away that long.

And so, the seven wonders meme…

7 things I plan to do before I leave this world:
(Note that I don’t usually plan this far ahead.)

  • Watch my kids grow into self-sufficient adults.
  • Become a published author.

WordPress Upgrade Documentation

Upgrade MockupThere has been some discussion on the wp-hackers and wp-docs about what a potential Upgrade documentation for WordPress 1.6 should look like.

I’m not a proponent of “simple is better” in documentation. At least, in terms of the WordPress upgrade, there is very little to do on the WordPress end to upgrade your system to the new version. Essentially, you push a button. But there are some steps you need to take before you get to that point to make sure everything runs smoothly, and that’s where adequate documentation comes into play.

I was thinking about what “Web 2.0” documentation looks like. We’re trying to play off WordPress as a state-of-the-art content management system. So why not have state-of-the-art documentation? The Codex is a good resource for WordPress, but there are users of WordPress that never need to know how to customize their software. These users will only want to know how to upgrade their installations, and the documentation should hold their hand through the process. So I assembled this silly mockup of what I imagined Web 2.0 documenation looked like.