
There must be intelligent life down here

Whatever Happened to Mr. and Mrs.?

Back when I was younger, I knew my share of adults. In those days, we kids called all adults by Mr. or Mrs. Whatever happened to this practice?

I first noticed the change when we moved to the new neighborhood. The people across the street were very informal with the children on the block. It was as if someone had made the decision to allow children to be equal with adults at some level. It felt weird to me.

What now? 5 Reasons Not to Use Linux?

I picked up this opinion piece via a feed, and I'm really not amazed that Linux folks would stoop to the same bizarre propaganda that they accuse Microsoft of. But hey, what's new?

Let's look at each entry individually, and see where things break down. Note that although the article is titled "Reasons not to use Linux", it's actually a pro-Linux article being facetious. But we'll examine each of the five points: