August Meetup Summary
Wow, what a weekend!
Saturday morning, I put the finishing touches on my custom LAMPPIX boot CD. My goal - Create a CD that I could boot to demonstrate the might and power of WordPress 1.6 (not yet released, still in alpha) to the Philly WordPress Meetup group. I dumped WordPress, 1.5.2, 1.6, and 1.6-Owen onto the ISO, burnt it, started it up once to see it boot, and fled for the city.
I started out way early, and had time to stop at the Apple store in King of Prussia before heading on into the city. I have to admit that the Apple store is pretty alluring. I left without buying anything, though. (More on that topic in a follow-up post.) Even with the stopover (and the $2.75/gal for gas!) I got to Fergie's way early, and they were locked up. I wandered around the block a bit and noticed that there are quite a few cool places nearby to Fergie's. You could make a really full day in the city and fit the meetup in the middle.
But enough about the wonderment of the city and the delicious jerked pork sandwich I had for lunch (Aw, yeah), and let's talk about the meetup.