
There must be intelligent life down here

Just Imagine...

..the wind is in your hair, you can smell the salt in the air, you are riding the ocean waves. Travelling this route is something you've always done. You sell your cargo at one port and then buy some more with the profit you make. You are a merchant, plying your trade. It's an honourable life. Suddenly, out of no-where, you find yourself sailing into a fog bank. The dark whisps of mist crawl over you and you can hear nothing but the waves slapping against your hull echoing dulling back to you. The fog makes dark grey forms around you, changing smoothly like oil in water. One of the dark shapes catches your eye: something isn't right. As you squint to see better, the mystery solves itself, a blackend headmast rears out of the fog, she turns, revealing a row of cannons. The fag parts slightly and you can see the mast, and the ships flag, a grinning skull meets your eyes as the blood drains from your face: The Jolly Roger. Pirates! The techo-pirates are here, router in one hand, P2P network in another... as you stare into the pale grinning faces you realise that your whole livelihood is going to be destroyed. The horror... the horror...

Or so some people would have you believe.

Stealing vs. Sharing

Posted by Chatty

When napster was the *it* program, I was the *it* downloader. I had a music library folders and folders long. I wasn't downloading music that was brand new, but would think back to my childhood and the songs I loved from the seventies and download those. After a while, the phase passed and I stopped. After that, all hell broke loose and the crack down started. I was pretty paranoid and didn't want to download anymore. I also got a brand new laptop that I didn't want to screw up accidentally with some bogus file.