A meme? Here? What is the world coming to?
Well, I thought I would write a couple of "Entertainment" posts, and this seemed as good a start as any. I've got another one in the pipe for currently popular movies, so if you're into that, stop back later.
I grabbed this meme from Daria. It goes like this:
I graduated high school in 1991. What I would like to see is a chart of blogger age against memes completed. I'm sure that I'm not in the middle of the bell.List the top 100 songs from the year that you graduated high school (you can find the lists at musicoutfitters.com). Bold the ones you actually like. Pick a favorite. Underline that favorite. And strikethrough the ones you loathe. Italicize the ones you consider to be guilty pleasures.
Interestingly, and embarassingly, this crossing-out and underlining might have been much different had I done it in 1991. Ugh.
I think I might have gone overboard with the strikethroughs, but man, was music from the early 90's the crap left over from the 80's or what?? Note that my loose criteria for "loathe" is "if it came on the radio, I would likely change the channel." I thought it might be hard to pick a favorite from what's left, but I think my favorite was an easy choice. Anyway, here goes: