Almost Friday - Paycut - Chapter 2 Script
Ok, here’s the script for chapter 2. You guys need to comment faster if you want to get input in on how these proceed…
Ok, here’s the script for chapter 2. You guys need to comment faster if you want to get input in on how these proceed…
Whew, kicked that one out quick. If you’ve got suggestions, I haven’t heard them. I’m going to keep going this way unless someone offers up a substantial change in direction.
Thank goodness Berta isn’t commenting, she’s been lobbying against my pay cut ideas all week!
This one took longer than I had hoped, and I’m still not sure it’s perfect. I may change the dialog in script before I record it, or I might do like I did with the last one and make things up as I go along!
Alright, so we’re back on track script-wise. New adventures for Jack at the ad firm. The problems keep mounting on him, maybe I should take some time to solve them? Nah…
You know, you shouldn’t read the script if you want to be surprised when you hear the audio track. Just thought I’d mention that after the break (you click the link below to read more) there’s spoilers for the next audio segment. This script doesn’t give away anything really juicy, but future ones could, so you might not want to get in the habit.
Another hour, another script. I’m pumping them out now. I’m only slightly ahead of the game. If something were to happen, say, irresistable cravings for salami, or inexplicable bowel issues, I might have about 15 minutes to take a break before everything falls apart.
You never know.
In any case, the script is after the “read more” link. Be sure to check out the Blogathon info in the top right corner of the page, which is why I’m doing all of this madness.