Palm Springs?
I was looking around here the other day for a post about our trip to Palm Springs. As it turns out, I never wrote it. Combined with a demand from Berta to organize our photo collection for her availability, I decided to look for our photos from the trip. That’s when I discovered why I never wrote a post about Palm Springs.
There are 255 photos from our Palm Springs trip according to Picasa. The truth is that I know I used two CDs for our pictures because I ran out of space on the first one. So there are plenty more photos on one of these other mini-CDs. I have a little GameCude binder with more CDs in it that are supposed to fit. Some are labeled, some are not, and most CDs have sessions that were not closed. Since I don’t have a packet driver for my CD-R (or at least, one that is compatible with these disks), this is causing problems.