Bunny Tags
No, it’s not anything rabbit related. Steph aka “Bunny” wrote a new plugin for WordPress that I’m taking for a spin. This is the first post I’m writing with it, so I’m not even really sure what it will do. Something about Technorati…
No, it’s not anything rabbit related. Steph aka “Bunny” wrote a new plugin for WordPress that I’m taking for a spin. This is the first post I’m writing with it, so I’m not even really sure what it will do. Something about Technorati…
What the world needs is easy email signing. Can I avoid building keys via command line? I think I can.
Lots to say about comment spam today…
Have you noticed the new tactic the spammers are using to get spam onto WordPress sites? They’re sending comment spam without any URLs. You think that’s a good thing and that the spammers are just crazy? I’ll explain why you’re being lulled into a false sense of security.
High-Logic Software makes a program that lets you create and edit your own fonts. Creating a typeface from a handwriting scan is pretty simple.
I’ve been driving Abby to school ever since Riley was born. She’s got her own thoughts and questions about everything, many of which are too difficult to have conversations about.
Today in the car we were talking about the light snow that had fallen overnight. She asked what the “water shooting out” was. She had seen the snow from the hood of the car blow by her window. I tried to explain this to her, but she didn’t grasp a few of the concepts that seem simple to us adults.