Last year, I wrote a pretty good post about what Asymptomatic is about and how I was glad it had been around for four years. Things haven’t changed too much in regard to how I feel about the site, but there have been some interesting changes in the site and in my life over the past year. Although, you’re not going to get as coherent a summary this time around as you did last time.
One significant site change is that I’m no longer using my PageCat software for content management any more, having switched to WordPress for that duty. My rationale was that it’s too much effort to write the software and the blog entries. Of course, then I went and started writing plugins and submitting patches to the WordPress core, but that’s neither here nor there.
Over the past year, I turned 30, Abby turned three, and Riley, aka KidTwo, was born. I’ve been a lot more prolific in chronicling life events over the past year. I’ve added even more pictures. Hopefully, everyone has enjoyed it, and if you haven’t - well, tough noogies.
I feel I should mention, since it has been brought up elsewhere, that although Asymptomatic is only five, I’ve actually been using the web for quite a bit longer. I used what would become the web back in college in 1991, and started The Midnight Circus site in 1995. I thought you should know this, just in case you stumbled by and thought, “Gee, only five years?” But I’m going to guess that most visitors aren’t going to be thinking that.
Anyway, you know those crazy TV show episodes where one character gets into some trouble, and has to go through explaining all of what he’s been through over the past year? And they do it with clips of the previous shows? Man I hate those…
That's right, it's a clip episode...
If you're not sure whether you want to read any of them, I suggest trying with one of the "Good Stuff" posts, which were hand-selected for their umptiquatidness.