
There must be intelligent life down here

New Stuff Coming...

Tuesday is Asymptomatic’s five-year anniversary. I wanted to do something special, so I looked around for someone to redesign the site. Fortunately, I bumped into Becca’s site one day while goofing around with Blog Explosion. I left a comment, and a few weeks later, we’re set to run the new Asymptomatic layout.

Whippet at Dog Show?

NBC is carrying the National Dog Show on Thanksgiving this year. It’s actually on TV as I write this.

The mascot of the high school I went to (Downingtown High School) was odd in that it wasn’t a Viking, Pirate, or other traditional mascot. No, the mascot of DHS is the whippet.

Daycare Guard

At Abby’s school the door remains locked from the outside until you punch in a code on a pad next to the door. The security system is designed to keep random people from coming in and making off with kids. This is a good thing, and I’m not rallying against it at all.

But I was wondering today after I dropped off Abby, what would the teachers do if someone just followed another parent into the building, and they deposited their unregistered child in the general play area.

Wish List Live

Well, Mom called me tonight to ask about Wish List Live. Apparently, she couldn’t get the site to come up, and what I feared to be true was true - the domain had expired.

Fortunately, the domain only expired on Monday, and my SRS registrar (ev1!) allowed me to “transfer” the domain to myself and reactivate it. The site is back online as normal.

CSS Headache

I’ve been looking for a solution to the two-column problem. You know, the one where you can’t stretch both columns to the bottom without a cheesy background image. There doesn’t seem to be a great solution.

I found one that seems to work, but it adds all sorts of extra container divs to the markup. According to the author, this overuse of containers can be avoided if you use the box model hack, but he/she doesn’t want to use the box model hack. What the heck?