
There must be intelligent life down here

Grr... Comment Spam

Something’s got to be done about this comment spam thing. I keep getting these casino people dropping in on me leaving entities in their comments. I’ve tried adding them to the WordPress detection thing, but it apparently converts all entities to their unicode counterparts before storing them. So that doesn’t work.

I added a bit of code into the main comment routine, which I shouldn’t have to do. There should be a stinking plugin socket there. I keep talking about it and I even submitted a patch, but I haven’t seen it in CVS yet. This comment spam is really irritating me.

Bush, Again

President Bush is screwing up my life.

The sports center across from where I work is playing host to the President again today. I’m not sure what he expects to gain from stumping in this area, but he’s apparently taking a bus tour from here to Hershey.