
There must be intelligent life down here

The Bush Has Landed

I did make it out for lunch, but not to the bank. You’ve got to prioritize, you know?

Downingtown was a complete disaster. There are detour signs all over the place. They’re using all of the municipal vehicles to block roadways that lead to route 30 through town so that when the president leaves to visit St. Joseph’s (what the heck?), he is in no danger of encountering traffic.


Last night we stopped down at Dan and Dawn’s to see their new kid, Aidan. He’s tiny. Berta and Abby seem ok with the prospect of having a little kid around, so that’s good.

While I was there, I helped install that Xenium into Dan’s XBox. I feel bad that I didn’t have the power jumper for the new hard drive, and that I couldn’t get a dashboard installed. None of my disks would boot. I’ll have to try burning an EvolutionX dashboard disk again and testing it at home.