In the morning while the kids are getting ready for school is usually when I write these posts. This is convenient on one hand because it’s a finite amount of time that I have to gather my thoughts and put them into the site. On the other hand, this practice doesn’t really lend itself to creating the longer, researched, and therefore, useful posts that I’d really like to on occasion. Worse, it’s only an hour or two into my waking day, and hasn’t given me much time to think about what I’m going to write.
I do keep a list of things that I’d like to write about. Most of these things I feel are deserving of a little more time than what I have in the morning, which is why this list remains so long. I’ve got a post building in my head about the Fitbit tracker that I’d really get out, for example. But in the morning, my best ideas for short form writing seem to come to me in the shower, which has its own unique set of problems.