
There must be intelligent life down here

Fios Install

I don’t remember why I was thinking about improved broadband today. Maybe I was thinking about downloading more Teen Titans. Anyway, I started looking into Verizon’s Fios service some more, and I found a site that has more Fios installation information.

After looking at the pictures on that site, it’s pretty clear that what’s been going on in my neighborhood over the past month or two is a Fios install. Basically, they’re running fiber all over the place.

Not a Popular Vote

Here’s an intersting bit of history: It turns out that no president who has lost the popular vote has ever been elected to a second term.

Four years later, the Twin Towers are gone, Saddam Hussein is in jail, Americans are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Bush seeks to persuade the American people to do what they have never done before: re-elect a president who lost the popular vote.