
There must be intelligent life down here

Dead Whisper

Glad to see her go, although I think it would have been more poetic if when she said, “Just walk away now, like we agreed,” and I backed away to the edge of the arena and unleashed an arrow at full force that her head had simply popped off like everyone else’s. Man, that chick bugged me.

And I think that’s all I need to say about that.

Driving the Same Car

I’ve always wondered if people that drove the same model car would get along. Presumably, you’d be looking for the same set of features in a vehicle; the same price range. It follows that while not every Honda Civic driver is going to like every other Honda Civic driver, they have a better chance of getting along than a Civic and a Hummer. At least, that’s my logic.

It’s amazing how some ideas sit idle for so long and then you realize that you’re not alone.