Having children significantly lowers parents' IQs
This study about parents with low IQs explains why I feel so stupid all of a sudden.
This study about parents with low IQs explains why I feel so stupid all of a sudden.
Some game companies have released their game licenses into the public domain.
Over the long Labor Day weekend I contracted some kind of throat illness and I’ve been walking around like a zombie, all drugged up to keep the annoyance at bay. Yesterday I woke up so queasy, I was sure there was vomit in my future - alas, no. I barely managed to choke down a dry mini bagel, and discovered that some abnormally copious chewing was required to allow it to pass my swollen throat tissue.
As soon as I got home from work yesterday I layed down on the couch with Abby and we both took a nap. Two hours passed, and I still didn’t feel all that great. In fact, I had a little trouble speaking. I wonder if I can talk even as I write this. Hmm.
See how popular your name was over the past 10 years.
Convert English to Chinese pictograms to learn a little about how Chinese writing works.