
There must be intelligent life down here

Hairy Scale Model

We have optional homework for Astronomy class. I’m not even sure when it’s due. This teacher has been somewhat fuzzy on these issues; for example, the syllabus says that attendance is part of our grade, but he has yet to take roll. Anyway…

A “scale model” in this case is when you compare something that is too large to be comprehended to something that really relates the size. My favorite example from last night is one regarding the number of stars in the universe.

XBox Mod Foibles

After having played with it for a while, there are a few things that bother me about this XBox mod chip and the software that is available for it.

The Xenium apparently has some kind of problem with there being a non-Microsoft controller plugged into any port when the XBox boots. I have installed XeniumOS 1.1, which is supposed to take care of this issue, but it doesn’t. The system just hangs at the boot screen if you have anything other than a real MS controller plugged in. I’m anxious to get XeniumOS 2.0, which looks very cool, and hopefully solves this issue.

Short Weekend

Another short weekend down the drain.

We killed Friday evening going out with Mom to the slowest moving buffet I’ve ever seen. This Chinese buffet is one of those places (like the PA DMV or the Chester County Library) that you go into around 6pm expecting to spend a half hour or so eating, and you end up walking out and it’s quarter til 11 and you feel hungry. Weird.

Something Positive at Something Positive

A few weeks ago, Randy at Something Positive complained that he kept getting email from people telling him that he had bad spelling. That if was really going to be serious about his web comic (something he did in his free time around his real life and real job) that he should look at these things more carefully before they go online.

In response, he challenged people to make this possible. He challenged his readers to donate enough cash to cover a year of salary. If hey did it, he would quit his day job and become a full-time web cartoonist.

You'll get a tummy ache

Berta and Abby were eating jellybeans recently. Abby mentioned something about a tummy ache, presumably from eating too much candy. I wondered where she had learned this tidbit, and figured that Berta must have told this to her to prevent her from eating the whole bag of beans. This got me wondering…

Is “you’ll get a tummy ache” just an excuse that parents give so that their kids don’t eat too much candy? I don’t remember ever getting sick from eating too much candy - no amount of candy was too much in my childhood mind. Then again, maybe I stopped myself thinking that I might get sick from it.