Nice House
There is a guy, Scott Jones of Indiana, that has some really cool stuff in his house. Like this spiral staircase with a slide.
There is a guy, Scott Jones of Indiana, that has some really cool stuff in his house. Like this spiral staircase with a slide.
Late last week we arranged for the mulch company to deliver certified playground wood chips for Abby’s new swingset.
On Sunday morning, Abby woke me pretty early, and after being out at my weekly D&D game pretty late, I only had 4 hours of sleep. Berta was already outside doing weeding to get ready for the mulch arrival, and I took a few minutes to remove the fence. I had just come inside and collapsed on the living room floor, when the doorbell rang.
There was a guy outside with 7 cubic yards of playground mulch.
This astronomy class- You know, it’s not really on my mind as much as it might sound, but I’m just not doing anything else. There’s work, and there’s class. I could write about where I go for lunch, I guess, but that would be pretty short, too. Hmm. -is all very doom and gloom.
The teacher is always talking about things that cause cancer, the sun exploding, and various bad ways that you wouldn’t want to end your life. It’s all very startling. I remember a trip to the Franklin Institute with my grandfather. We went to the planetarium there for a show, and they gave us a similar song and dance. I was pretty young and I remember being somewhat upset by the whole idea. It was pretty freaky sitting in such a dark place with someone telling you that the world was going to end with the sun exploding.
I wish I could find my MP3 player because I would like to record a little of my astronomy teacher’s ramblings for you to amuse yourself with. Maybe I’ll just call Audioblog and leave my phone on speaker. It’s supposed to record for an hour.
Yesterday, we constructed maps of the sky. There was a lot of taping and cutting involved. It’s a kind of neat thing. I think that there are probably better star charts out there than what we’ll make in class, but since we’re basically adding things to it by hand, we’ll get to know a lot better where things are in the sky. This place has night sky maps you can download with event data for certain dates.
The server was hacked sometime early this morning. I’m not sure exactly when, but I think it was between 8 and 9 am EDT. The only thing changed was teh blog breakdown page. I’m not sure if it was deliberate or an unfortunately unprevented accident.
I have since disabled WebDAV for the whole server, and enabled the integrated Windows 2003 firewall. I don’t know if this will prevent the problem because I’m still not quite sure what caused it.