I haven’t even looked at the game yet, but this comic is pretty funny. Sorry, gamer humor. From the compiler of the Big List of RPG Plots.http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm
I haven’t even looked at the game yet, but this comic is pretty funny. Sorry, gamer humor. From the compiler of the Big List of RPG Plots.http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm
Over at Pseudomain, there is some discussion of these issues. Check them out if you don't want just my side of the argument.
I know enough of the personalities involved, but not necessarily enough to comment on their insults of people that it seems I should care to listen to more than recently mentioned radio personalities. Anyway, now that I have admitted my ignorance of the vocal folks involved in the debate...
My friend Bob sent me this link, which seemed like just the thing we’re going to have to check against if Dave ever presents us “evidence” of getting hooked up.http://imaginarygirlfriends.com
I know this is a kind of lame post, but I figured I would give you all a sense of why people come here and the raw, unbridled power I have to detect these motives.
This cool search engine displays the results in Flash as a map. When you hover over the pages, which are connected by logic lines, details appear for that link. Many, many sophisticated options here.