Humpty Dumpty Logic
Orson Scott Card opposes gay marriage. Interesting points, but completely refutable.
Orson Scott Card opposes gay marriage. Interesting points, but completely refutable.
I was curious why I wasn't receiving email from SpaceWeather any more about solar flares and recent near-Earth asteroids, so I visited their site and found this very nice tool for predicting good planet observation times.
It uses the longitude and latitude that you supply (I got mine from when I researched it via GeoURL) to give you accurate times for passings of planets and space stations.
I think I received this puzzle as a Christmas or birthday gift, but from whom I can't recall. It's been on the shelf for a while, and I remember having solved it at one time, but can't remember the solution. I'm sure that I just happened upon it randomly if I did know it.
Basically, Thinkominos is a puzzle with six hexagonal pieces. Each piece has six circles of color on the top, one for each of the piece's edges. Every colored circle on top of a single thinkomino is different, and is either red, orange, green, blue, yellow, or purple.
From the makers of SeaDoo jetskis comes this cool vehicle - a fuel cell powered unicycle! Check out the cool concept video.
I ran into a site today that looks kind of interesting. Basically, it's internet telephony.
You hook a box to your broadband connection, and then hook your regular phone to the box. A phone number is assigned to the box, and when people call you, the phone hooked to the box rings. You can also hook the box to existing home wiring, so all of your home phones work.