
There must be intelligent life down here

Dad's Birthday Gift

I drove all over the place looking for the badminton set, which was Berta's original idea, and something that seeming like a good gift.  But I wasn't having any luck, and really wanted to get Dad something for him.  And so I settled on a DVD of The Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Well, at dinner after we gave him the gifts, I touted the movie as an action movie.  But I hadn't seen the movie in quite some time, and didn't know if my portrayal was entirely accurate.  So I put my copy of the movie in on Saturday night and watched it again.

Walmart Photo Printing

I suddenly feel like a commercial for Walmart, but oh, well. We stopped over there yesterday after I had taken some pictures of Abby. As I have mentioned before, our camera takes high enough resolution pictures to print out clear 8x10 photos. It just so happens that the pcitures that I took of Abby were in that high resolution and in “SuperFine” mode, so they were as clear as they were going to get. Sort of.

Anyway, it turns out that Walmart prints are dirt cheap. The 4x6 prints are 10 cents cheaper than anywhere else I tried. All three pictures I had done cost less than $5 total. They came out fast, too. It only took 15 minutes to print 1-8x10, 1-5x7, and 1-4x6. I’m pretty sure they squirted out of the printer all at about the same time, so it wasn’t like 5 minutes per photo, which would have been awful.