
There must be intelligent life down here

Books and Stuff

Berta went to Johnstown for the weekend, and Abby and I stayed home and hung out.

I managed to finish reading Interface, which was a fairly good read.  It's not a pure Neal Stephenson book, but it's pretty good.  It's about a governor who has a stroke (2 actually) and whose brain is fitted with a chip that allows the brain to rebuild damaged neuro-pathways.  At the same time, he begins a campaign for the presidency, backed by a hidden network of very, very rich people who make every effort that this third-party candidate is the favorite of the people.

i miss you

There are people who say you really can’t understand love until you’ve had a child.  And they’re right…  But it’s not because they have experienced the love themselves.  It’s because on days like today, when I put Abby in the carseat to go over to her grandmother’s for the night, she looks at me.  She just looks at me.  And she knows.  And she loves me and misses me and knows I’ll be coming back for her, knows I’ll be inside crying because I can’t think of anything but “how could I let her go away?"  With eyes so innocent she stops sucking her thumb long enough to say “Bye, Daddy” as she pulls away down the street.  And I loathe myself because I now know the kind of love that those fools were talking about, for me, from my little girl, who doesn’t know much else in this world, but knows love for undeserving me.

Tired of HTML

I am very tired of typing HTML.  I don't think I even want to look at HTML any more.  After this week, I may swear off HTML for a little while.  No more HTML, no more XHTML, no more Less Than Slash.  Maybe I'll even take off work for a week.  I'm just tired of looking at these stinking computers.  I would like to read a book.

In fact...  I don't have anything other than this to say right now because I have been doing nothing but coding XHTML since... Well, I don't remember now.  So.  Whatever.

Less than. HTML. Greater than.

There's an episode of Dexter's Lab called The Big Cheese in which Dexter is trying to learn french for school.  Using the age-old trick of learning by osmosis, Dexter creates a record (an LP, actually) that plays his vocabulary aloud while he sleeps.  Of course, things go awry when player skips and repeats only one phrase.  In the morning, Dexter can say nothing but "Omelette de fromage" (Cheese omelette).  Fortunately, that phrase seems to be the answer to every question he is asked, and eventually leads him to superstardom.

I feel kind of like that this morning.  Although, I have yet to speak to anyone in exclusively terms of HTML tags, I think I probably could.