
There must be intelligent life down here

Zucchini Yield

We’ve had a reasonable year with the garden so far. The tomatoes seem to be eeking by. Every so often, one of them will just go bad. There seem to be enough that are good to bother keeping them. We keep spraying and hoping for the best. But the zucchini is outrageous.

I guess maybe you’re not supposed to let them grow this big? These things are easily at least the size of my calf. I suppose we could have picked them earlier, but then what would we do with it? It’s a paradox. You pick them small, then you get them too frequently to do anything with them. You leave them on the plant and pick them when you’re ready, you end up with giant zucchinis that you can’t do anything practical with.

Biking Insanity

I’m not sure why I have not blogged about this. Perhaps because I’ve been too busy doing it instead.

A month or two ago, Nate posted a link to this adventure race site and suggested that we enter a company team. Everyone was excruciatingly naive, or maybe drunk, and decided to sign on. Well, nobody has pulled out yet, so it seems we’re still on. And everyone is doing a bit to prepare.

Watch Computing

I’ve been casting about online for some kind of portable training device, something that can keep track of my time on the road while I train for a particular race later this year. There are quite a few options for watches, each with options of their own.

One of the more fascinating watch brands out there is Suunto. There are a couple of other makes that have similar capabilities, but Suunto looks to have expanded on an interesting idea of connecting wirelessly to peripherals like a chest-worn heart-rate monitor, a bike cadence monitor, and even a GPS. The watch acts as a central processor for the peripherals, receiving, recording, and presenting a subset of the information, and then relaying it (via USB tether) to a computer for more intense processing and output.

Is Contenture working for you?

I fear it is not working for me. When I added Contenture codes to this site back when they opened the doors to the public, I thought it was a system with a lot of promise. Today, I’m not so sure.

Looking at my Contenture dashboard today, I can see how much I’ve earned by putting the Contenture code on my site. A whopping $0.52. Any money is more money than nothing, you might say. But there’s more to it than that.

Palm Pre Wanted Apps List

After playing with the Pre and the 30 applications that are available for it, I’ve come up with a short list of applications that I’d really like to have.

Also, cut and paste is nice. But. I want to do it when I’m holding down the gesture areas, not the keys. Left side can be cursor movement (like the option key) and right side can be selection (like the shift key), or vice-versa. I don’t want to have to open the keyboard to select text.