
There must be intelligent life down here

Parenting Failure Number Two

A month or two ago, Abby and Berta had tickets to some musical, so I decided to get monster truck tickets for Riley and I so that we could have a “guy’s day out”. That didn’t work out so well. They warn you that the trucks are going to be loud, and we had earplugs, but they weren’t working. Riley was rightfully scared of the noise, and so I bought him a set of the wheel-shaped earmuffs that they sell at the concession stands.

I put it on his head and he started yelling about how he didn’t want to wear them. They hurt his head. Granted, they were tight - they’d have to be to stay on. But if you left them on for a little bit, you’d get comfortable with them and they’d block the noise well. He wasn’t having it. There was no convincing him to keep them on, thus there was no convincing him to stay. More than $300 in tickets (I had to buy three for the two of us, and they were really good seats because that’s all they had left by the time I found out the girls weren’t going to be home and decided to do this) down the drain.

Why am I still awake?

All week I’ve had trouble getting to bed at a reasonable hour. I’ve been working on various things on the computer, whether for work or for Habari or whichever crazy project I happen to be dreaming up. Whatever it is, it’s keeping me up way too late.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the late nights have a very disturbing benefit. As the hours wear on, I am able to get more focused. It’s very strange. It’s as if all of the distracting parts of my mind are shutting down because they’re tired, and I’m able to focus the parts that are left singularly.

Organizing My Personal Time

I was talking with Nate yesterday about a presentation of sorts I was hoping to give to my fellows at Rock River Star next week, and once again the topic of Getting Things Done came up.

Getting Things Done is a book by some guy that talks about a process of organization that helps produce results. I have a copy of the book, which is currently in the trunk of my car, and I haven’t read the whole thing. Mostly this is because I got so far and the book and agreed with most of the premise, but the process that he dictates probably isn’t the best one for me.

A Year With Frog and Toad

My mom got tickets for me, Berta, and the kids to see A Year With Frog and Toad today at the Arden theater on 2nd street in Philadelphia.

It’s primarily a kid’s show, a musical about two friends, Frog and Toad, who live in houses next door to each other. The show consisted of a series of short stories. In one, Toad bakes cookies, and he and Frog can’t stop eating them. They go through great lengths to prevent themselves from eating the cookies, but end up eating them anyway.

Flailing Themes

I am trying to port a WordPress theme over to Habari the only way I know how. Step 1- Make mess. Step 2- Flail around making mess worse. Step 3- Somehow clean up mess miraculously. Step 4- Make another mess and repeat process.”

This kind of thing is an indictment of what Habari is all about. our community has been struggling for some time to produce themes as easily as some other publishing systems. Since there are a lot of themers coming from WordPress looking into Habari, they’re looking for similar features in Habari’s theming system that aren’t quite ripe for use. There are actually a lot of places in Habari’s theming system that could use some work.