
There must be intelligent life down here

Cheat Sheets

This is a weird topic, since I’m not sure if it belongs here or at RedAlt, but I think until such time as I do it (since it’s not talking about program planning), it’s here for me to talk about. But if I do create the thing, I’ll put it on RedAlt for other people to use as a resource. Ok, with that out of the way…

I have a problem remembering the codes for the obscure date characters that PHP’s date() function uses. I know, it’s something I should just know, but it’s not. Yes, I have trouble remembering whether “M”, “F”, or “J” outputs the abbreviated form of the month name. I can never remember how to get the number of the day of the year. It’s a real mental block and an impediment to my day-to-day life.

cforms 2 and Buttonsnap for WordPress

A (long) while back, I created a library for WordPress that allows plugin developers to easily add new buttons to the editing area, regardless of whether an author was using the rich text editor or the plain text editor. I released the library to the community, and be necessity it is licensed under the GPL.

Along the way, others have used the library in their plugins. One of the people that has used the library is Oliver Seidel for his cforms plugin. Unfortunately, Oliver has come under fire recently because someone pointed out that his plugin is not GPL-licensed, and as such has rightfully been removed from the plugin repository.

Gimme a Little Credit

I’ve been role-playing with a group for a little over two years now. We started off as a group of four, but have added a few players in the past year to get us up to the typical on and off eight. Since more players have gotten involved, we’ve had some issues trying to coordinate game times around everyone’s schedules, so I took some time to cook up a little scheduling application. We’ve not been using it, for various reasons that have been bugging me.

Firstly, I should say that it’s fully functional. It takes everything that we were doing before with tons of email and phone calls, and puts it in a single, easily-configured system. It’s not yet an improvement on what we were already doing except that it’s now possible to keep it all organized and expand on what we had.

My Rather Unpopular Obama Viewpoint

I’m astounded by the amount of news coverage the inauguration has generated. Are people truly interested in this or is it that the media is saying we should be interested and we’re following along like our usual sheepish selves? Nonetheless, I don’t recall a presidential inauguration coming along with so much publicized pomp. One might say that it’s because it’s historic, but I would say that every presidential inauguration is historic.

We will only have racial equality when we don’t have to point out what things are equal. I don’t consider this presidency a significant step, like so many news shows portray. We’ve been stepping in this direction for a long time. That there is a black president doesn’t minimize racial discrimination everywhere else. Maybe it serves as an example to many how race shouldn’t hold back your dreams, but it’s not the catalyst or tipping point or King’s dream realized.

Watching and Weighting

I haven’t mentioned to many people that I’ve started a fitness program. Ok fine, it’s a “diet”, but I dislike the word, and not just because it doesn’t incorporate the fitness aspect, but because there’s a stigma attached to it. It’s weird how “fitness” sounds great in my head, but “diet” sounds like I’ve got a problem that I should be ashamed of.

I started out on the “Special K Diet”, which simply involves replacing two meals a day with bowls of Special K. Oddly enough, that works. I have since become more interested in what I’m eating and what energy I’m expending, and I signed up for Weight Watchers Online to start tracking these things. (There’s another name that sucks, “Weight Watchers”. They might as well call it “Fat Club”. There’s got to be a better name they could brand it as.)