Ah, the heck with it. I don’t write a lot about a whole lot here any more, because most of what I am excited to share revolves around Habari. But then, all of the people who talk about what to write about on a blog tell you to write about things that you have passion about. And I’ve never not done that, but I’m purposefully filtering out a lot of Habari stuff because I feel like my audience doesn’t care. Which is just a weird thought. Anyway, no more of that madness.
Something that has been tryingly amusing lately are a certain type of email that shows up on the mailing lists. As I’ve mentioned to people in person a few times, Habari certainly isn’t talked about as much as some other blog software, but I’ve been tracking the usual channels for Habari buzz, and there are usually 50 to 70 new people noticing Habari every day. Which I think is pretty good, and would love to see increase.