
There must be intelligent life down here

New Webcam Not So Great

I had to replace my not-so-old Logitech webcam with something new, since it did not work under 64-bit Vista. The VX-7000 does work with 64-bit Vista, and was the highest quality camera Microsoft offered that would attach to my desktop monitor. (The supposedly higher resolution NX-6000 has a much smaller monitor connector, designed for notebook-thickness screens, but also boasts a better picture.)

I installed the camera easily, the only issue being that the CD did not autoplay and I had to run the setup manually from the disc.

Here, kitteh, kitteh

We’re getting a cat. Two, actually.

Berta’s sister Maryann took in a pregnant stray cat and fed it back to health. Of the litter, only two kittens survived, and we’ll be venturing out in early February to collect them and bring them back to their new home with us. Of course the kids are excited, and we spent a good deal of time at the pet store today buying supplies for them.

Annoyed with Verizon, Again

I had a strange confluence of events over the past couple days. In the mail, I have received a few notices about services that I can attach to my Fios connection at home. I don’t have interest in Fios TV now that Verizon dropped the ball and we went ahead with satellite instead, but the new 15/15 service is very attractive. I would love to be able to push as much data out as I pull down.

The same day that notice arrived in the mail, I got email on the Verizon billing account. Apparently, the credit card attached to that account is about to expire, and if I want the autopay to continue then I need to update the number via the site they provide. So I decided to update my billing info and see if there was a way to update my service to 15/15 at the same time.

This is how media should be done, Habari-style

I’ve spent a good bit of time over the past week (probably to Chris’ chagrin) working on media functionality for Habari. You can see my quick, obviously unrehearsed screencast describing all of the features visually if you don’t want to read my post.

Essentially, media in Habari is about unifying all of your media sources inside your blog software so that you don’t have to go running from place to place to assemble a post. In other words, making it easy for the user. I have a pretty common scenario that I use when I start into my diatribe about Habari media.

Favoring Habari over WordPress

I read a post by Jacob Santos in which he lists a few reasons why he will not switch to Habari.

First, let me say that I’m glad you have reasons for your decision, and that you’ve chosen something you believe in. I think a lot of people pick their tools because it’s what the next guy uses, without really thinking about whether its best. Now… Let me try to change your mind. ;)