
It has been brought to my attention that my site does not look good in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Actually, via email:

Heya.. nice page you got there.. at least if you watch it in firefox, which i understand is the browser of your choice.. it kinda looks like shit in MSIE though..

Don’t know if you care, but a lot of people uses IE so..

Just to let you know..

-nicmar :)

I’m not sure why because it used to look fine.

Anyway, no, I don’t care. I’m not wasting another 4 hours trying to fix in IE what using actual published web standards should never have caused. If you use IE and don’t like the way the site looks, switch to Firefox like every other sane person has. What really gets my goat is the email itself, though.

Whataver happened to polite discourse? Is it so much trouble to construct a message without profanity that humbly states the issue, rather than requiring me to immediately boot up IE and look at the site myself just to have an idea of what you’re talking about? Especially when I don’t know you!

Obviously, I’m completely unaware of how many people use Internet Explorer, and that’s why I have left my site in a state of utter disarray on that platform. Are you the IE police or something? Do you go around looking at people’s sites to make sure they look OK in Internet Explorer? Weird profession you’ve got.

And whatever happened to using one period at the end of a sentence? Kids these days…