
There must be intelligent life down here

The Many Faces of Ba

Yesterday was a trial as we attempted to do some not-so-serious house hunting in the nearly perfect weather. Why? Riley was in “scream continuously” mode.

It’s rare that he does this these days because mostly he has very specific wants and knows how to communicate them. For example, when he wants a bottle (when will he finally accept sippy cups??) he’ll say “Ba?” And when he wants his blanket, he says “Ba?” And when he wants to play with a ball, he says “Ba?” And even “Ba?” when its time for that bath he loves. It’s a very flexible word.

An Odd Social Experiment

This is something that I heard about from my Astronomy teacher at West Chester. He was an odd guy, and I’ve always wondered if his ideas would prove out and whether he had actually read this somewhere reliable.

For this experiment you will need a cup and some drinking water. Not too much water. Do not flavor the water - iced tea, for example, will not work. Also, it’s probably better if you use a glass and not a cup, if you have one available. I’m not sure if that will skew the experiment or not, so if you report your results, be sure to include what you used.

There are two steps to the experiment itself. If you’re interested in helping answer the question (which I will pose at the end of the experiment, so as not to taint your results), then commit to the whole experiment right now. I guarantee that it will cause you no harm, and can be successfully completed by any person with a cup of water.

So, stop reading and get yourself a glass of water. We’ll wait. Ok, here we go…

Step one: Spit into the cup of water. I’m not talking about hocking a loogie, just gather some reasonable amount of saliva in your mouth and spit it into the cup of water. Perhaps you can think about a nice meal that you’d enjoy to get the juices flowing.

Ok, that’s the “easy” part. Step two comprises the actual test of the experiment.

Hail Hail

A morning or two ago between 5 and 6 am and while everyone was catching their last hour of sleep, there was a strange noise on the roof. A bit like rain at first, but then obviously louder. Suddenly there was lightning, thunder, and the persistent white noise of hail hitting the roof.

Hail isn’t a usual occurrance around here (is it anywhere?), especially in late April. Even when it does hail, it usually only does it a little bit and then stops or turns to rain. By the time you actually get outside to see it, it’s usually quite melted and unimpressive. This time the hail lasted for a while, and even accumulated a bit. It was just cold enough outside that it didn’t all melt suddenly, and there was no follow-up rain to wash it away.

The hail storm was exciting and foreboding all at once. Riley was awakened by one of the noises, probably the hail, and came to lay with us in our bed for safety. Abby didn’t even realize it had happened until afterward. Berta and I were awake partly because of the hail, partly because of the squeaking boy. After a while of listening to the hail hit the roof and windows, I just had to take a look outside to see what was going on.