
There must be intelligent life down here

Why Posts Take Forever to Publish

Have you noticed slowness when posting lately? I’ve seen more than a few recommendations on how to fix this issue, but no real fix for the fix.

WordPress 2.0 has moved the essential trackback/pingback/enclosure mechanics into a special script that gets loaded separately from when you publish a post. Instead of cycling through all of the pingbacks and trackbacks that it has queued before returning control to the browser (like in version 1.5), the publication process spawns a request for the special script and just continues normally.

The result is that you don’t wait for pingbacks to finish when you publish, and they still get published properly, but in the background. So what’s causing the big delay these days, if that mechanism is set up to prevent it?

Kitchen Snow

Oh, yes, this is why I love snow.

Everyone in other places in the country gets so excited when snow happens because it’s so cute and wodnerful. Here, we live on the precarious border of where the snowfall starts to get reasonably inconvenient to deal with and people don’t know how to deal with reasonable snowfall.