
There must be intelligent life down here

All Is Not Lost

I’ve had some billing issues with RegisterFly that have been causing havok with my domains.

Basically, I signed up for hosting services with them at the beginning of October because my Server4You dedicated hosting was not meeting my expectations, and I just wanted somewhere small and reliable to host some sites.

They didn’t tell me that the account wouldn’t be set up immediately until after I had paid them, instead saying that it would take 12-24 hours. Fine. I waited 3 days, and then sent them email telling them to cancel the order, since I had received no server details and had already contracted hosting elsewhere. You think that would end it?

Adhesive Updated

Adhesive Sticky Setting I have updated Adhesive for WordPress 2.0 and released a preliminary archive of the plugin. There is a glitch in WordPress that prevents code in the footer of the post edit page from executing. I have submitted a support ticket with a patch for this issue. As soon as that patch is applied, things should work swimmingly.

Adhesive Config DemoWhat’s new in Adhesive? Not much, really. The new version does make use of something new I’m trying out for configuration. Instead of using up a whole menu slot for a config page with only three options, I’ve made a kind of Ajax popup thing. You kind of need to see it to understand what I’m talking about.

My XBox 360 Review

XBox 360I received my XBox 360 on Saturday morning, and Riley helped me open it. He wasn’t very helpful with setting it up, but I did manage to get the thing hooked to my TV without too much difficulty. I guess you might want to know how it is.

Well, my initial impression is “eh” with a few “oh, that’s neat"s sprinkled in.