Remember the Milk
Remember the Milk is another Web 2.0 to-do list app, like Ta-Da Lists. Yay! Innovation!
Remember the Milk is another Web 2.0 to-do list app, like Ta-Da Lists. Yay! Innovation!
Dan was asking me the other day about BitTorrent and how to use it. This is pretty strange coming from a guy used to getting his files from IRC servers.
The problem with IRC servers is that they use these crazy queues. If you happen to find a server in an IRC channel, which is difficult in itself, there is an unusual array of hoop-jumping you must perform to even get in a queue for a download. And even after you get there, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to work flawlessly enough to succeed. Really, BitTorrent is a better alternative.
Sure, you have to wait for the files to trickle down to the BT trackers, but it’s a whole lot easier than searching out the elusive IRC trader. Although I guess you might still need some instruction, so here goes.
I’m not exactly sure what it’s all about yet, but looks neat.
While passing some other cars on the way back from lunch today, several entertaining thoughts passed through my head. Among them were thoughts about Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, navigation-sensitive streetsigns, and whether you should accept money for my assassination.
Here’s a descriptive list of bad reasons for using Ajax.