
There must be intelligent life down here

Does anyone really live in Uganda?

Uganda - 27 million people.
Ukrane - 47 million.
United Arab Emirates - 2 million.
United Kingdom - 60 million.
United States - 295 million.

I'm willing to accept that most people don't use a computer like I do.  So I'm going to tell you how I select my country (the good ol' U.S. of A.) from dropdown lists in online forms and you're going to say "Huh?" but bear with me.

I Must Be Freakin' Insane

Brian's been bugging me about visiting him in Austin since he moved down South.  And as Berta and I have expanded our family from 2 through to 4, it has become more difficult to arrange such a trip.  The price of airfare and arranging a date have been the main problems, since I refuse to have Riley be an "In the lap" passenger for safety issues.

Last month Brian told me he was going to be going to France for work, and he seemed a bit distressed about it.  He had done it before, but not for as long as in this trip - three to four months.